NBC News President Steve Capus steps down

NBC News President Steve Capus resigned on Friday.

Capus worked as President for 8 years, but lost control after the 'Today' show lost its' 16 year rating victory to 'GMA'.

"It's been a privilege to have spent two decades here, but it is now time to head in a new direction." I have informed Pat Fili Krushel (chairman of NBC Universal News Group) that I will be leaving NBC News in the coming weeks." he wrote in a letter to NBC staff. " It is impossible to fully express how much I respect the people of NBC News. To call everyone 'colleagues' has been a true honor... but to call so many of you dear friends has been a true gift. Thank you for everything. I could not be prouder of what we have accomplished together."

No word on who will replace Capus after he leaves NBC.


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