Radio DJ who tricked Jacintha Saldanha avoids manslaughter charges

The Radio DJs responsible for a hoax that resulted in Jacintha Saldanha's suicide avoided manslaughter on Friday.

The DJs, Mel Carhahan and Michael Christian, called the hospital pretending to be members of the British Royal Family in an attempt to contact Kate Middleton.

Saldanha killed herself after  news of the hoax went viral.

Malcolm McHaffie, the head deputy of special crime at the Crown Prosecution Service, announced that the Australian DJs would not be charged.

"Having carefully reviewed the evidence currently available, we have concluded that there is no evidence to support a charge of manslaughter and that, although there is some evidence to warrant further investigation of offences under the Data Protection Act 1998, the Malicious Communication Act 1988, and the Communications Act 2003, no further investigation is required because any potential prosecution would not be in the public interest."

Saldanha is survived by her husband and two children.



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