Back Again

I know it's been a while since you last heard from me. I have been busy adjusting to relocation. Last month, I moved to Los Angeles and it's taken more out of me then I thought possible. But hey, that's what moving 5,000 miles away from home will do to you ! Even though it's been a little rough, I do not regret a thing. I love L.A. and the opportunities that this beautiful city creates. I'm back with a vengeance and I have so many new ideas that I would love to share with you guys. The name and design are not the only new things that I've got planned. I will be covering the best of the best including the amazing L.A Fashion Week and interviewing some surprise guests.

Are you excited? Well, you should be ! I have only given you a preview of what's to come.
You've got to stay tuned to see what's next.

Stay Blessed & Stay Respectedd,

- Chrissie


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