Jollywood to represent Haiti in film

The Cinè Institute, home of the newly formed Jollywood, will hold a fundraising showcase in New York City.

Jollywood was named after the school's home town Jacmel and the world famous Hollywood in hopes of making a once-torn Haiti shine. 

"We felt this was a cause coherent with the cultural mission we are promoting here in New York. We felt we should really support this school." said President of the FIAF Marie Monique-Steckel. 

The fundraiser called Haiti Optimiste will feature films from Cinè Institute's students. 

Fashion photog Marc Baptise, Actor Ben Stiller, and Singer Emeline Michel will all be participating in the event. 

"The obvious perception of Haiti is extremely negative. The news portrays it as full of violence, destruction, corruption, and disease," says Cinè Institute founder David Belle."I've been living here for 20 years, and I'm not a glutton for punishment. I remain there because I see so much potential and creativity in Haiti, and that will be very much on display on the stage."

The fundraiser will take place on January 24.



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