'Star Wars' makeup artist Stuart Freeborn dies

Stuart Freeborn, the makeup artist responsible for the looks of Yoda and Chewbacca of 'Star Wars,' has died.

Star Wars director George Lucas spoke on the legendary makeup artist.

"He bought with him not only decades of experience, but boundless creative energy," Lucas said. "His artistry and craftsmanship will live on forever in the characters he created. His 'Star Wars' creatures may be reinterpreted in new forms by new generations, but at their heart, they continue to be what Stuart created for original films."

Stuart had a 60 year career, working for movies like : '2001: A Space Odyssey,' 'The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp,' and 'Oliver Twist'.

His granddaughter, Michelle Freeborn, said he died in London due to sickness caused by his age.

He was 98.


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