Boy Scouts of America delay decision on Gay ban

The Boy Scouts of America has decided to delay their decision on banning gay members.

"After careful consideration and extensive dialogue within the scouting family, along with comments from those outside the organization, the volunteer officers of the Boy Scouts of America's National Executive Board concluded that due to the complexity of the issue, the organization needs time for a more deliberate review of its membership policy," said a statement released by the organization.

Herndon Graddick, GLADD President, is disappointed with the BSA's decision.

"An organization that serves youth and chooses to intentionally hurt dedicated young people and hardworking parents not only flies in the face of American principles, but the principles of being a Boy Scout," he said. "The Boy Scouts of America is choosing to ignore the cries of millions, including religious institutions , current scouting families, and corporate sponsors,  but those cries will not be silenced. We're living in a culture where hurting young gay people because because of who they (are) is unpopular and discriminatory."

The committee will make their final decision on the ban in May.


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