Black student arrested for buying belt at Barneys

Trayon Christian, a NYC College of Technology student, is suing Barneys after being arrested for buying a $350 belt.

The lawsuit, filed on Tuesday in Manhattan Supreme Court, claims that Christian was asked by undercover cops:  "how a young black man such as himself could afford to purchase such an expensive belt."

Christian showed officers a receipt for the belt, his ID and his debit card but was told, 'that his identification was false and that he could not afford to make such an expensive purchase."

Barneys posted a response to the suit on their Facebook page :

"Barneys New York typically does not comment on pending litigation. In this instance, we feel compelled to note that after carefully reviewing the incident of last April, it is clear that no employee of Barneys New York was involved in the pursuit of any action with the individual other than the sale. Barneys New York has zero tolerance for any form of discrimination and we stand by our long history in support of human rights."

Christian returned the belt and will not shop at the luxury store ever again.


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